How Long Does It Take To Make Money Blogging?

Blogging is an excellent way to monetize your knowledge, but it takes time to see results. But, How long does it take to make money blogging?

Many people start a blog with the intention of making money, but only after a few months do they realize the potential. As a result, determining how long it will take to start making money can be difficult.

However, there are some factors that will help you in determining the length of the journey.

In this post, we’ll discuss how long it takes to make money blogging and offer some tips for speeding up the process.

How Long Does It Take to Make Money Blogging?

It’s possible to make money from blogging within the first year if you have a good plan in place.

The pace at which you can make money from your blog is largely determined by two factors:

  • How much time do you devote to it?
  • How do you monetize your blog?

How Much Time Do You Devote To it?

Your circumstances and level of dedication will determine how much time you spend blogging. If you’ve quit your job, working 40 hours per week would be ideal.

Aside from that, if you want to create a side income stream, you must work at least 15 hours per week.

If you devote more time and effort to your blog, it will generate more income faster.

Writing a blog takes a lot of time and effort, and it isn’t just about the words you type on the screen. To have a profitable blog, you must put in a lot of effort in many areas.

How Do You Monetize Your Blog?

If you want to make money from your blog, you must do your research and find an effective monetization method.

For starters, selling ad space on your blog is the best way to make money. While ad spaces can help you generate some revenue, they may not be enough to kickstart your blogging career.

Your primary goal should be to build your audience. After that, you can move on to more lucrative revenue streams, such as affiliate marketing.

Also, rather than relying on a single revenue stream, diversifying your blog’s income streams is a great way to increase your earning potential.

How To Make Money From Your Blog Faster?

1. Write for Your Readers

As a blogger, your primary goal should be to write for your readers.

This will help you in creating content that your target audience will enjoy and trust. If you have a large following, you will also receive more clicks and sales.

But before that, you must first narrow your target audience. You can identify them and their interest areas by conducting some online research.

Try looking for your target audience in online forums and discussion groups. To learn more about their interests and how you can help them, join these discussion groups & interact with them.

RelatedHow to Grow Your Traffic With Pinterest

2. Choose a Niche And Stick With it

If you can’t decide on a niche, you’ll have a difficult time attracting a loyal following. 

For example, if you enjoy cooking, starting a food blog will be your ideal niche because you will be able to easily build a strong following and sell relevant goods.

However, if you decide to stop writing about food and instead start writing about technology, the majority of your audience will be uninterested in reading it.

So, when picking a niche, make sure it’s about passion rather than money. Only then, you’re going to have a profitable blog in the long run.

3. Stay Focused

Blogging can be a bit of a headache at first. To-do lists can drive bloggers insane as they try to juggle a hundred different priorities at once.

The best way to stay focused is to only focus on one thing at a time. If you want to learn SEO, you should stick with it until you’ve mastered it. Then you can move on to another skill or topic.

You can also use the Pomodoro technique, in which you work for 25 minutes and take a 5-minute break.

Following these techniques will surely help you to stay focused.

4. Create a Content Calendar

It’s simple to stay on track when you have a content calendar at your disposal. 

The most serious flaw in any blogging site is a lack of consistency in posting or a reluctance to make the sacrifices required to make it work full-time.

That’s why keeping a schedule with a content calendar allows you to make proper investments in both your blog and yourself.

You can create one using a variety of tools, such as Google Docs, your smartphone, or even Microsoft Excel.

5. Write Evergreen Content

The key to getting traffic for a long time is to focus on writing more evergreen content.

If you don’t know what it is, it is content that never expires. It is centered on a topic that is always of interest to readers.

For example, “how to start a blog” is an evergreen topic because every year more and more people are starting their own blogs.

Furthermore, having evergreen content is beneficial to your site’s SEO because it can help you gain more backlinks, which leads to a higher ranking and organic traffic.

6. Learn Affiliate Marketing

If you want to make money quickly, you must learn about affiliate marketing and understand its principles.

When you use affiliate marketing, you promote the products of other companies to earn a commission on each purchase made after clicking on your affiliate link.

If you want to learn more about it, you can go through this Affiliate marketing guide.

7. Implement Other Ways to Monetize Your Blog

You can also try other ways to monetize your blog. Here are some popular ones.

  • Sell Ad space – You can rent out space on your blog to businesses looking to promote their product or service.
  • Use Google Adsense – Run Google ads and get paid.
  • Write sponsored posts – Get paid to write posts about a product offered by a company or business.

Related10 Google Adsense Alternatives For Bloggers

8. Grow Your Email List

To be successful in the long run, you’ll need to build an email list. Readers who subscribe to your email list are avid readers who eagerly await your new posts.

These are the people who are most likely to buy your products or those you recommend. In other words, building your email list can increase your blog’s earning potential.

Important Blogging WordPress Plugins for Growth

To help you improve your blog’s overall performance, I’ve compiled a list of WordPress plugins that you must install.

That’s it!

I hope this post answers all of your burning questions on how long it takes to make money blogging and steers you in the right blogging direction.

If it does, ensure to share it with other newbie bloggers on social media.

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