How To Use A Credit Card Wisely: Top 10 Tips

Today, most millennials have adopted a smarter way of spending and amplifying money. It is why they depend on credit cards for their food and grocery shopping. However, the card attracts penalties and fines if not used well. The article highlights how to use a credit card wisely.

10 Ways to Use Credit Card Wisely

1. Think Judiciously Where You are Using Credit Card

If you land up in an emergency and want immediate cash, what would you like to do to break your FD or pick up your credit card to make the payments?

Yes, the latter may seem to be a wise option as you can pay the repayments in part or in full.

However, select your emergencies carefully and do not go overboard with credit card spending.

2. Report about Fraud

Today, the generation does not want to carry cash in their pocket due to obvious reasons.

Credit cards serve to be a cashless and contactless way of making payments. However, they need to be used wisely as credit card thefts are on the rise.

If you are a victim of this fraud, it is better to report or inform your credit card provider.

In this way, you can get your money back and block your card immediately.

3. Find a Card with a Reward Program

Who doesn’t like cash back and rewards? Credit cards offer great discounts, benefits, and offers for every dollar spent, and you can use these offers for shopping later.

The points can be used to go shopping, buy air tickets, eat dinners at restaurants, purchase electrical goods,  gift vouchers, etc.

For example, if you are a flyer, you can use the card that offers Miles points or if you are a road traveller, go for a card that provides cash-back rewards for fuelling your cars at specific stations.

On top of it, you might also receive coins that you can use to win exclusive rewards or get access to special products.

However, the bottom line is to select your credit card service provider with great caution and think about the purpose before availing of it.

4. Plan your Credit Card Spending

Today’s generation relies on credit cards because they like the idea of shop now and paying later.

Who wants to buy a new jersey or go out with friends on vacation at the month-end? Well, a credit card allows you to exceed your budget with no regrets.

You can exhaust your credit limit by taking that dream vacation; however, it is not a sagacious decision.

We suggest you plan your credit card expenses wisely, check out EMI options, and then avail the benefit.

5. Pay your Credit Card Bills on Time

You might have heard the term credit ratings. The credit rating describes your financial well-being.

It is similar to a report card that describes how good you are with money. It adds a creditworthy tag to you and increases the chances of getting the loan.

Your credit rating is decided by several factors like how you repay the loan, your credit history, total debt and how well you pay your credit card bills.

If you pay your bills on time, it portrays a positive image of you and makes you a reliable borrower in the eye of credit rating agencies.

It is the reason why you should pay your credit card bills on time.

6. Credit Card is not all about Spending Recklessly

One of the greatest myths of all time is that people think credit cards are a way of spending recklessly; however, they can be used for financial planning.

You can use credit card monthly statements to monitor your expenses and stay in sync with them. Staying focused will give you the power and help you achieve your life goals.

It also teaches you how to control your expenses at a very young age and give up on temptations. The key is to use a credit card wisely and plan before spending.

Certain credit cards offer you exclusive rewards and benefits like zero fraud liability, guaranteed returns, and much more to save your money.

7. Review your Credit Card Report Regularly

Many companies generate credit card reports and send them to your email id.

You can check your credit card score through this report without paying extra charges.

Reviewing it regularly will help you check your expenses and keep them in control.

8. Give Importance to What you Require

Buying a credit card does not solve your financial problems; it may increase it; hence it is essential to think about what you want before swiping your credit card.

And this will help you to spend wisely too.

9. Use it with Trusted Vendors

Whether you are shopping online or from a local store, ensure that you use the card with a trusted establishment.

It will minimize the chance of credit card fraud.

10. If you can’t Handle it Wisely Don’t Use it

Our last piece of advice is if you can’t use a credit card responsibly, you should not carry it in your pocket.

Credit card debt is a challenging financial problem and can increase if the user does not use it wisely.


A credit card is the most convenient way to make payments without bothering about cash.

However, you need to use it wisely and prudently to save yourself from fraud and financial burden.

For more finance tips, stay tuned to our blog.

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