5 Things To Consider Before Buying A Home

Things To Consider Before Buying A Home

A home is a feeling that you cannot describe in words. However, buying a home is an overwhelming experience. It involves patience and a lot of calculations. Matters become all the worse when you are buying them for the first time. Here, in this post, we have written 5 things to consider before buying a home without making mistakes.

5 Things to Consider Before Buying a Home

1. Total Up Your Expenses to Assess Your Financial Situation

The first step is to check your finances. You need to create a total of your monthly income.

Once you know how much you are earning and spending, you can determine the cost-cutting opportunity to save money.

Assessing your financial situation also includes keeping an eye on your credit score. The credit score tells if you are a good candidate for securing loans or credit cards.

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2. Think About What Kind of Amenities and Perks do You Want in a Home

It is human nature to get attracted to amazing deals and lucrative offers; however, our advice is to focus on the purpose behind buying the home.

The sellers may offer you amazing deals and top-of-the-class amenities without discussing the hidden cost.

To avoid confusion, create three columns in your diary that discuss the following points: must-have amenities, and don’t need perks.

In this way, you will be able to assess your home requirements.

Don’t forget to add community features like school proximity, gardens, streetlight, gated neighbourhood, gym, swimming pool, car parking, or whatever desired features.

Also, introspect on these questions to remain sorted:

  • What are you looking for a condo, an independent house, or an apartment?
  • How many bedrooms do you want?
  • Do you want the home in the city’s heart or the outskirts?
  • What is the square footage area that you demand?

The cost of owning the home depends on these factors, and knowing them will help you assess your repayment capacity, and you will not struggle with EMIs later.

3. Create a Room for Increased Cost

Buying a home is a challenging decision. You need to create and accommodate room for additional expenses in case of the costs increase.

For example, if you plan to buy an apartment, pay attention to the costs you have to incur apart from registration, like renovations and repair costs, roof maintenance costs, and other miscellaneous costs for homeownership costs.

Setting aside some money from the monthly budget will allow you to accommodate these costs easily. 

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4. Purchase a Home That You Can Afford

Grand homes are a choice for many, but they can bust your budget.

The best tip is to dip your savings into a home that is less than what you can afford.

For example, if you have a budget of $250, 00, you can seek homes in the $200,000 and 225,000 ranges. This strategy will help you to buy a home without over-extending your budget. 

The rest of the amount you can easily put in remodelling, repairs, brokerage fees, legal fees, interior decoration, home insurance or save for a rainy day.

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The skimp and save strategy never goes out of fashion.

5. Use an Online EMI Calculator to Calculate the Home Loan

Investing in a home without a loan seems impossible. And home loans cannot be availed by anyone.

The bank checks and verifies your records before paying the same.

So, ask different banks about home loans and perks related to that. Use an online EMI calculator to determine how much you have to keep aside monthly.

Once you have a clear figure in mind, you can prep up your feet and invest money in a dream home.

Before availing of a home loan, you should also know the tax deductions that you are entitled to.

Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Home

These are the 5 things to consider before buying a home. The prior planning will outburst the popular mistakes and let you stay focused on your decisions.

Shop around for the best rates before making a buying decision.

It’s easy to walk into a real estate office, hear a sales pitch, sip the coffee and agree to their terms and conditions, but it could turn up to be a costly mistake.

When buying a home, make sure to compare home loan interest rates.

Shop and research at least 3-4 lenders, check their mortgage table and then decide.

Another mistake that can dampen your spirit of buying a home and put your deposit in jeopardy is not reading the sales contract before buying the home.

The sales contracts are lengthy, and it contains clauses. The new home buyers might disregard reading it, considering it as standard conditions, but they can negatively impact your decision.

The best idea is to hire an attorney with a knack for financial details.


Buying a home does not mean wiping out your bank account.

With little planning and preparation, you can buy a home within your budget and avoid these costly mistakes too.

Stay informed and learn how to manage your money well.

For more suggestions on how not to go overboard with your budget and incur fewer expenses, stay tuned to our blogs. 

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