7 Ways To Make Money As An Online Reseller

Buying and selling things is an old way to earn revenue. People worldwide are using this strategy to add income to their pockets. So, whether you are an individual or an enterprise wanting to expand the business, the best way is to sell things online and make money as an online reseller.

How to sell things online?

It boils down to the products and infrastructure that you possess. Above all, it depends upon the investment you are willing to put into selling things online. These are several strategies to sell the products online.

Here’s how you can make money as an online reseller

Let’s discover some ways how you can earn money by selling the products online

1. Start your store

Here we are not saying to start an online store like Amazon or eBay; instead, you can take a small step ahead by starting an online store where you can market a product of your choice.

Once started, you can promote it on the Facebook Market to earn money by selling things online. You can also use other websites to sell products like Shopify and Etsy.

They are available for free on a limited basis. 

2. Become a seller at Amazon

Whether you are a home-based craftsman or manage a small business, you can register as a seller on Amazon, Flipkart, e-Bay, and other retailers.

Once the registration is done, you will get a dashboard where you can upload your products with the product description and other details.

The e-commerce honchos charge a commission for listing your products on their website. However, you can still earn money selling things if you have a large customer base. 

You can even go for Facebook Business; it is a special service launched to cater to the requirements of small and large business enterprises.

You can reach 2.41 billion users and promote your products in exchange for nominal fees.

3. Start your website

Starting your website is yet another way to earn a fortune. You can buy a domain name at $5 of your own choice and create a website easily on your own without any technical skills.

Now, list the catalog of products that you wish to sell. Since it is your website, you can add endless products to it without any commission or charge paid to the third party.

A good digital marketing company will help you improve the results using several techniques like local SEO marketing with speed optimization.

However, before selling the products online, you must ensure that the website payment method is secure. You also need to learn about online digital media hacks to reach potential customers. 

4. Promote your business on Google Ads

Google is a major search engine that holds 85% of desktop traffic and billions of search terms daily. Google ads are the best way to list your business and make money.

However, you must be careful because Google Ads are very competitive and use an auction to decide which ads to show first. When a query is made with a keyword, there are multiple bidders; Google uses an auction system to determine your ad eligibility.

With so much emphasis, your ad should have a quality score to reach the highest position. The quality score is determined by the expected CTR rate, ad relevance, and customer experience of your landing page.

The ads that meet quality requirements are only posted and are visible for the search term.

5. Affiliate marketing

 A simple yet effective way to earn revenue is through affiliate marketing. However, you must create a blog or website and sign in as an affiliate marketer for Amazon.

After registering with the website, you will get access to a dashboard and affiliate links. You need to post these links to your website or blog content.

Whenever the customer buys using that affiliate link, Amazon pays you a commission. It is a popular way to churn money.

6. Dropshipping

A lot has been discussed in our earlier post about dropshipping. To become a drop shipper, you don’t have to invest or stock up on things; you need to buy them from a third party, sell them to the customer, and enjoy the profits derived from them. 

7. Selling used products

Various websites allow you to sell used products. However, beware of scams and frauds.

You must register it with a seller, pay small fees and sell the used stuff. You can read the terms and conditions of the website and learn how to stay safe.


These are the proven methods of selling products online.

However, before plunging ahead, ensure you have identified the market, set up a secured payment system, added shipping cost to the price, and have an excellent customer return policy. 

These nascent steps will help you earn a fortune from the reselling business as an online reseller.

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